This is meant to be a daily journal of a working writer. However, I have not written yet today. I futzed around getting this blog set up instead, then went to do family stuff. Now we're back from the family stuff, and I think the blog may indeed be set up. Now I'm thinking I'll chip away at my Printz honor speech, then dig in on the Ending From Hell for my swordfighting WIP.
I have the skeleton for the ending; I know what is going to happen over the last five or however many chapters. I feel fairly sure there's nothing to be done but power my way through it and let it be horribly, horribly wrong in a million different ways, which I will try to fix over the next weeks by going down (and thus eliminating) every dead end known to mankind. The big scary question is, is this skeleton even the right one to flesh out in the first place? I know for sure this question will not be answered today.
And so to work.
The reasons for this blog: 1. To provide basic author information for students, teachers, librarians, etc. (Please see sidebar) 2. I think out loud a lot as I work through writing projects, and I'm trying to dump most of those thoughts here rather than on my friends.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Blog Archive
- off to ALA
- anime movie
- Ms is off to agent. Right now I still see those tw...
- a little bit of business talk in here, sorry
- No writing today--too busy. I printed out the last...
- A writer friend suggests looking at Harry Potter 7...
- It looks like I may not get to write today, becaus...
- I went back and tried to fix a couple of spots tha...
- don't think, just write
- Fleshed out quite a bit of next-to-last chapter, t...
- I backed up and smoothed out a couple of chapters ...
- Yesterday was family-oriented, so no actual writin...
- today's mantra
- This swordfighting WIP has had ongoing problems wi...
- random writing-related thought
- Finished first draft of Printz speech. Muddled thr...
- testing